
Recordings of some of the public talks and lectures have been converted to MP3 format and are listed here in chronological order. This is not a complete set; for many of the talks and lectures, there is no recording available. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


1. Friedman plus Keynes: A new equation (13th September 1980) Top


2. The future after the budget (30th April 1981) Top


3. Unemployment and the tax wedge (8th September 1981) Top


4. Unemployment – Who is being fooled? (7th January 1982) Top


5. The basis for expanding employment (15th April 1982) Top


6. Local taxation – an alternative (8th September 1982) Top


7. Economic myths and party manifestos (January 1983) Top


8. Privatisation (22nd September 1984) Top


9. Less pay, more jobs? (26th September 1985) Top