Public talks

Between 1980 and 1983 Ronald Burgess gave a series of public talks at Kensington Town Hall in London, listed below. He also spoke at other venues from time to time. Items 2 through 11 are included within Volume 2 of the series on Public Finance, and the remaining items can be found in Volume 4. In some cases, a recording is also available.

An early talk at an unknown venue

1. The Real Issue at Brussels (1971)
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Public talks at Kensington Town Hall, London

2. Friedman plus Keynes: A New Equation (13th September 1980)
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3. Monetarism and Howe? (13th January 1981)
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4. The Future after the Budget (30th April 1981)
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5. Unemployment and the Tax Wedge (8th September 1981)
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6. Unemployment – Who is Being Fooled? (7th January 1982)
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7. The Basis for Expanding Employment (15th April 1982)
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8. Local Taxation – An Alternative (8th September 1982)
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9. Economic Myths and Party Manifestos (January 1983)
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10. Who Needs an Incomes Policy? (14th April 1983)
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11. Methods of Taxation (15th September 1983)
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12. Privatisation (22nd September 1984)
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Further talks given at various other venues

13. Alliance Policy and Economic Realities (12th March 1984)
Gladstone Club, London
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14. Less Pay, More Jobs? (26th September 1985)
National Liberal Club, London
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15. Rate Reform (20th January 1986)
National Liberal Club, London
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16. Economic Recovery (22nd November 1994)
American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, Athens
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